Leadership Team

ANS is a unique international standard bilingual school providing holistic education to students from Nursery to Year 13. In order to fulfil our Guiding Statements, the leadership team is represented by both overseas and Thai leadership and management.

The whole school is strategically overseen by the Executive Management Team (EMT) consisting of:

  • CEO and licensee: Mrs. Petchuda Kesprayura
  • Principal: Mr. Andrew Parry
  • Treasurer: Mrs. Panthip Chirabandhu
  • Administrative School Director: Ms. Uachitt Chuanprayura

ANS is operationally led by the Senior Academic Leadership Team (SALT) consisting of:

  • Principal: Mr. Andrew Parry
  • Administrative School Director: Ms. Uachitt Chuanprayura
  • Headteacher (Secondary): Mr. Mark Higgins
  • Headteacher (Primary): Mrs. Kathryn Allen
  • Headteacher (Foundation): Mr. Andrew Parry

As a Thai-UK school, our Thai history and heritage are of crucial importance to us. To support the UK SALT, the school has a Thai Academic Committee that guides and offers advice on matters of Thai culture, heritage and curriculum.

Each Phase (Foundation, Primary and Secondary) has its own leadership team consisting of Deputy and/or Assistant Headteachers. The middle management structure of each phase consists of Curriculum Leaders and Year Leaders. In addition, there are a number of whole-school roles, for example, our SENDCo and House Leaders.

The non-academic aspects of the school are overseen by Support Managers covering areas such as Finance, Registrar, Facilities, Admissions, PR, Purchasing, HR and ICT.